Changing to a More Positive Healthy Family Unit

In addition to individual therapy, we will also work with families in a group format to work through challenges that are affecting the entire family. It is important to recognize that family life contributes to the shaping of individual personalities and behaviors. Often the family dynamics become dysfunctional and require interventions to promote more positive relationships and interactions. Family therapy not only changes the lives of each individual family member but also changes the entire family unit. Improvements to the family unit often have long lasting effects because the individuals who have changed continue to exert change on other family members. 

Often family therapy sessions need longer than a 1-hour time block. Family therapy sessions can be selected for either 45 or 80 minutes. There are no minimum or maximum number of sessions. We will work with your family in deciding what is appropriate for your specific situation and goals. $225 for 45 min or $400 for 80 min. 


Due to our primary focus of providing evaluations, we are only able to take a few clients at a time for therapy services. Most often we refer clients to trusted local mental health professionals for therapeutic interventions. 

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